Thursday, May 21, 2009


A large number of goats in Taiwan may have died of exhaustion because of noise from a wind farm:
A farmer on an outlying island told the BBC he had lost more than 400 animals after eight giant wind turbines were installed close to his grazing land.

The Ministry of Agriculture says it suspects that noise may have caused the goats' demise through lack of sleep.

The power company, Taipower, has offered to pay for part of the costs of building a new farmhouse elsewhere.

A spokesman for the company said the cause of the goats' deaths still needed to be investigated, but that it doubted the goats died from the noise.
OMFG: COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ALERT: What will the eco-nutsies do!? Their "b;essed" wind power ain't so eco-friendly!? After all, I never heard of a smokestack killing a goat!

1 comment:

  1. I have in-laws in upstate New York.

    They maintain that wind farms will disrupt their crops because of disrupting the cross-pollination by bees.

    They also mentioned to me that the noise from the turbines disturb cows such that dairy farms will have reduced output. Cows are rather temperamental that way.

    For what it's worth, I'm passing on the above information. Maybe there is some research out there supporting what my in-laws (liberal Dems, BTW) have told me.
