Sunday, May 17, 2009

Arab Analysis of Nasrallah Election Speech

Nasrallah: The 2 Camps Address

By Tariq Alhomayed

The speech delivered by the Hezbollah chief is very similar to a speech given by Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden [following the 9/11 attacks] in which he divided the world into two camps [the faithful and the infidels].

Bin Nasrallah similarly divided Lebanon into two camps; one camp comprised of his own party, and the other comprised of everybody else who stands against his [political] schemes.

[In his speech] Bin Nasrallah recalled what he described as the "stupidity" of 5th of May [when the Lebanese government attempted to dismantle the Hezbollah communicated network].

Bin Nasrallah threatened them [the second camp] with a day similar to 7 May when Beirut was occupied [by Hezbollah in response to the government's actions].

Nasrallah described this day as a "glorious day of the resistance" however this is the same day that the Sunni population of Beirut were badly mistreated [by Hezbollah]. Indeed Nasrallah did not stop at this, but attempted to justify the 7 May coup by saying that the [governmental] Ministers were planning a sectarian war in Beirut, and that on 5 May there was increased communication [between the government] and Saudi Arabia and Egypt to implement this; however this plan was prevented by Hezbollah mobilizing and moving on Beirut.

The meaning behind Bin Nasrallah's words is that Sunni states, specifically Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have designs against the Shiite population of Lebanon, and therefore Bin Nasrallah is acting as their protector, despite his attempts in this crude speech to appear non-sectarian. Indeed it is enough that he described 7 May as a glorious day.

Bin Nasrallah's speech – in which he announced the forthcoming proclamation of a Lebanese Hezbollah state – is also very similar to a speech given last Tuesday in Iran by [Grand Ayatollah] Ali Khamenei; however Bin Nasrallah's speech was given in his own format and direction.

It seems that Khamenei's speech will be the watchword of the coming period in our region. In the city of Sanandaj – the capital of the Iranian province of Kurdistan – Khamenei said that the Salafists and Wahabis are mercenaries, possessors of an errant ideology, and agent's of the enemies of the Muslim Ummah [international community], seeking to divide it.

Without a doubt, Bin Nasrallah built upon Khamenei's words when he said that the Lebanese ministers – in communication with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France and the US – were planning to ignite a sectarian war.

This was an attempt to portray the two largest Arab countries as seeking to destabilize Lebanon by sponsoring and supporting one sect against the other.

In his speech Bin Nasrallah drew the line between two camps; a camp comprised of his own party, and a camp comprised of everybody else, who he has threatened with another day of "glorious resistance."

It is striking that the speech delivered by Bin Nasrallah is similar to an election victory speech, although it is far too early for this, unless Hezbollah is facing an [electoral] deadlock on the ground prior to these elections and is therefore attempting to unmask its sectarian side.

Bin Nasrallah spoke with clear arrogance, especially when he said that he had the ability to govern a hundred countries like Lebanon, referring to the party's unique ability to rule.

Here the question must be asked: Will Bin Nasrallah – who possesses a large ego and disdain for his opponents which is clear from his threatening language – be able to accept defeat in the forthcoming Lebanese elections?

I do not think so! The question then is; with the presence of a man who possesses such egotism, ideology, and principles, what future awaits Lebanon?
  • Tariq Alhomayed is the Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, the youngest person to be appointed that position. Mr. Alhomayed has an acclaimed and distinguished career as a Journalist and has held many key positions in the field including; Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, Managing Editor of Asharq Al-Awsat in Saudi Arabia, Head of Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper's Bureau-Jeddah, Correspondent for Al - Madina Newspaper in Washington D.C. from 1998 to Aug 2000. Mr. Alhomyed has been a guest analyst and commentator on numerous news and current affair programs including: the BBC, German TV, Al Arabiya, Al- Hurra, LBC and the acclaimed Imad Live’s four-part series on terrorism and reformation in Saudi Arabia.
  • He is also the first Journalist to conduct an interview with Osama Bin Ladin's Mother. Mr. Alhomayed holds a BA degree in Media studies from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, and has also completed his Introductory courses towards a Master’s degree from George Washington University in Washington D.C. He is based in London.
Iran and their jihadist stooges are a threat to all democracies.

The should not be on any ballots anywhere.

They should be annihilated.


  1. Bombast worthy of a certain German Reich leader.

  2. How can you expect anyone to take your article seriously when you use childish slander and outright bigotry instead of sound logic and political analysis?

    Next to this article is an ad that says "I stand with Israel". So please, don't call this an "Arab" analysis of the speech.

