Thursday, April 02, 2009


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Bush merely held the hand of the infirm King while they were walking over some uneven pavers, and the picture launched over 20,000 blog entries and all sorts of BDS buzz about how Bush served the House of Saud and Big Oil:

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Obama has done much MUCH worse: he has actually and DELIBERATELY bowed down before the King of Mecca - actually making sure his head WAS BELOW the shoulder of the King of Mecca:

This leads me to think that Obama might very well be a crypto-muslim, as many people (especially the "Birthers") have believed.

What other explanation is there!? Obama is a smart man; he must now that no POTUS bows before the ruler of ANY foreign land, yet he bowed - DEEPLY BOWED before a MUSLIM King, the guardian of Mecca.

Obama is a stupid jerk or a crypto-mulsim.

The choice is yours.


  1. Relia, this is shocking beyond belief???

    Atlas has a great post regarding this, as well.

    At his core, my belief that Barry is neither Christian nor Muslim but rather a Socialist, interloping charlatan who will use anything/anyone/any belief system to advance his Cult of Personality...

    See cousin Raila Odinga in Kenya, a hybrid Marxist who supports Sharia, or Wright with his Black Liberation rhetoric, etc.

    Having said that, where the **** is that slob Michael Moore who lambasted Bush over the Saudis?????

    Or the other MSM/Code Pink/Nut Root Moonbats?????

    As a Roman Catholic the only ring I would ever kiss is that of the Pope, the Bishop of Rome...

  2. Barack Obama belongs to the most Muslim "Christian" church I have ever encountered. They have, on more than one occasion, honored "The Reverend Louis Farrakhan."

    It would seem these people believe there is a kind of possible synthesis of Christianity and Islam. I think a good word for it is Chrislam.

    And, I predict we will see this trend grow exponentially over the next few years.

  3. chrislam. luvit.

    like that wacko episcopalian bitch who converted to islam and still wants to be a priest!

  4. Dont forget that this is the same guy that changed his birth name after a long summer "vacation" in Pakistan and Soviet occupied Afghanistan to "Barack Hussein Obama".

    I don't see why he wouldn't go out his way to disrespect the office of the POTUS and the American People with this disgusting act of subservience to the protector of Mecca.

    Then again, half of the American people disrespected themselves when they threw our American value system of free enterprise, limited government and personal responsibility out the window; voting for a statist that has taken it upon himself to follow the classic Fascist model of the early 20th century and fire CEOs of Private Corporations.

    Unless the forces of good act and act soon, this will reach a point of no return.

  5. Zanderdech, good to see you here commenting...

    You are right about the B. Hussein and his background.

    There is no denying his deference to the "Religion of Peace" now...

  6. If I'm not mistaken, Obama's just being respectful. He, after all, was in the king's domain. You know. Maybe he was just showing respect to their culture, something Bush never did. I mean, Bush held the Muslim prince's hand and it looked like he was grabbing him to walk faster.
