Thursday, April 16, 2009


I guess we'll have to hand it to Avigdor Lieberman: he's again said it like it is, that past concessions by Israeli governments led to war while the terrible George Mitchell was visiting and calling for cliched concessions. From YnetNews:
According to sources in the Foreign Ministry, Lieberman explained that the traditional approach to the peace process, taken by previous governments, has proven futile; leaving the process deadlocked despite the fact that they introduced dramatic concessions.

Israel wants to explore new avenues in the negotiations, the sources said. The minister, they added, gave Mitchell the examples of the Second Lebanon War, the Israeli offensive in Gaza, the severed diplomatic ties with Qatar and Mauritania and the fact that IDF soldier Gilad Shalit is still held in Hamas captivity, as examples for theses failures.
And they are! But most importantly, it's because of the Religion of Peace that concessions are a recipe for fiasco. With Islam around, there can be no peace.

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