Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A dhimmi rabbi to watch out for: one Marc Schneier, who clearly never studied the Quran:
WASHINGTON – Rabbi Marc Schneier, who was included on Newsweek's list of America's 50 most influential rabbis, is the founder and president of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU). As part of this endeavor Schneier is leading an initiative to develop dialogue between Jews and Muslims in the US and across the world.

Last November Rabbi Schneier twinned between 50 synagogues and 50 mosques across the US and Canada for a day of joint prayers, with rabbis and imams speaking out against hate.

In November 2009 he hopes to expand the initiative to Europe.


Last month Rabbi Schneier approached the UN ambassadors of 20 Muslim countries and invited them to engage in dialogue and join hands in the fight against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. "I have said that the ideal would be that in the upcoming Durban Review Conference, moderate Muslims should be those that will work on behalf of advocating Jewish issues and vice versa.

"We need to have friends in the Muslim world and we are beginning to identify them," he concluded.
Ho, I'll bet. When he brings up mention of Islamophobia, that's where the learned know that there's something wrong with him. But here's what's most challenging: does he know anything about the meaning of jihad? Does he approve of honor murders, female circumcision, or even Shari'a law? Does he even approve of Mohammed's marriage to the 9-year-old Ayesha? That's what I'd like to know.

A man who's more concerned with dialogue between Judaism and Islam than confronting the latter about their perverted culture is not someone to hang around with. No wonder Newsweek chose him for their list.

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