Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebs Sport Eye Patches in Solidarity with Pirates

More than 200 of the nation’s most-famous people — including actors, entertainers, musicians and politicians — were spotted wearing eye patches last night at a $25,000-a-plate Hollywood fund-raising gala to benefit Somali pirates and their families.

The private, invitation-only event, held at the Beverly Hills home of actor and activist Danny Glover, attracted a virtual “Who’s Who” of celebrities, according to a report in Variety today, and funds raised will go to help Bob Geldof with his recently-announced plan to stage a series of “LIVE RAID” concerts to benefit Somali pirates and their families.

Read the rest of the story here.


  1. Personally, I think eye-patches should be more widely accepted as a fashion accessories. But it is good that people are concerned with the underlying issue of poverty in Somalia. Here ( is a great story about how this approach could be used to fix the piracy problem.

  2. This is pure fantasy and should be so labelled.
