Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Cuba on Tuesday granted three visiting members of the Congressional Black Caucus the first meeting with Fidel Castro by American officials since he fell ill in 2006.

Caucus leader Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said she found Castro ''very healthy, very energetic, very clear thinking'' during his nearly two-hour session with the lawmakers....

''We believe it is time to open dialogue and discussion with Cuba,'' Lee told a news conference in Washington upon the caucus members' return. ...

Rep. Laura Richardson, D-Calif., who also met Fidel with Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., said Castro ''looked directly into our eyes'' and asked how Cuba could help...

... Lee's delegation is sympathetic to Cuba, with most of its members openly praising the country's communist government while decrying U.S. policy.

... Rush of Illinois, said he found the 77-year-old Raul Castro ''to be just the opposite of what is being portrayed in the media.''''I think that what really surprised me, but also endeared me to him, was his keen sense of humor, his sense of history and his basic human qualities,'' Rush said, adding .. .''They want to have the kind of relationship they had prior to the blockade. They deserve that,'' Rush said of the Castros.


  1. Yeah, so true. I posted at my site on this sickness. Bad enough obama goes around the world apologizing for us, now the cbc assists in making America look like a bunch of clowns.

    Press for term limits.

  2. This is really sad... These senators have no understanding of Cuba and the real politics of corrupt communist dictators in Latin America. Maybe they can explain their experience to my college spanish teacher who lost all her family photos, belongings and home to the Cuban government back in the 70's.
    That aside, this is really negotiations 101. What does the US get from playing nice/nice with Cuba?
    Do more open relations take away the stories of prostitution, hunger, civil rights??? CBC, I thought they were all ABOUT Civil Right!!! Did I miss something?

  3. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Sad, but not a real surprise. These quasi-socialist representatives we elected have always fawned over counties like Cuba and leader like Castro. For some reason the have idealized these idiots to the point that they can no longer look objectively at the abject suffering people like Castro have caused. Let's pray that they never get a chance to fully realize their agenda here.

  4. "Do more open relations take away the stories of prostitution, hunger, civil rights???"

    I guess you mean the stories from America. I dont believe this, you will still have all these problems

  5. "I guess you mean the stories from America. I dont believe this, you will still have all these problems." - Oskar

    Oskar, your stereotypical Neo-Marxist Pinko response has offered no substance to the story posted, or to any of the comments made. The reality of Castro's Cuba is that it has been a brutal totalitarian regime that has taken every last freedom and from its people, and has suffocated all creativity, culture and essentially, life from its inhabitants.

    In the early years of the abomination known as "The Revolution" Fidel Castro and Che Guevara proceeded to murder, torture and imprison anyone that had even the potential to fight for their basic freedoms. Business owners were imprisoned solely for owning a succesful business. Citizens were executed for expressing their views regarding freedom peacefully. All religious church's and entities we're either ousted out of the country, imprisoned or executed.

    It has been documented in both the United States, Asia and Europe that both women and children are trafficked within the country to for sex tourism. Maybe you should take the time to read about it before posting. Ever heard of google? Just type in "Sex Tourism Cuba" and see what you find.

    Next time, maybe you can do yourself a favor and not make yourself out to look like an idiot, wasting 3 seconds of reader's lives by reading your ignorant crap.

    As for the CBC, what can you expect? Apprently high standards for civil rights only apply to black americans? Unfortunately, this was only a politcal ploy to push the Obama administration's Cuba policy. I think it will backfire with the American people, as all they will see are a bunch of leftie politicians sucking up to a brutal dictatorial regime.

  6. Zanderech, excellent response to Oskar or is that you Fidel's ghost???

    If you are real person in the USA and you believe half of what you write then get a one way ticket and go to Havana and live like a commoner down there....

    Cuba's current population is 65 percent Afro Cuban or mulatto, however, the CBC sanctions a white descendant of Spaniards to run a country, along with his brother, for the last 50 years.

  7. Time to change the acronym around to BCC: Black Congressional Communists.

  8. So true... BCC would be a better term for them.
    What really surprises me is Congress Woman Barbara Lee is from Oakland, CA where there are practically NO Cuban American's living there. Why did she use American tax dollars to fly to Cuba? Why couldn't she have just picked up the phone if she wanted a "dialog" with Cuba??? The only other reason for her going there must be that her COMMUNIST constituents wanted her to go.
    Once again, the American electorate is apathetic, doesn't care to realize who they elected and what they are doing with US taxpayer money.
    All I can say is... Barabara, there are ways to create dialog and negotiate with people & countries. Flying over there to make a point is NOT the way you do that.
