Thursday, April 02, 2009


A terrorist attacked and murdered a boy with an axe:
An axe-wielding terrorist infiltrated the West Bank settlement of Bat Ayin Thursday afternoon, killing 16-year-old Shlomo Nativ and wounded a 7-year-old boy.

Government spokesman Mark Regev condemned the attack as a "senseless act of brutality against innocents."

Speaking by phone from the scene, Magen David Adom paramedic Ronen Bashri told The Jerusalem Post that ambulances and emergency response teams were called to the settlement after receiving a report of an axe attack.

"We found a seven-year-old boy fully conscious with a head injury caused by a sharp object," Bashri said. "And we found a 16-year-old whom we had to declare dead on the scene."


Less than an hour after the attack, the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. A murky terrorist group calling itself the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh also claimed responsibility for the attack in an e-mail sent to the Associated Press.

For its part, Hamas called the attack a natural response to the "occupation."

"This attack was committed in the framework of the resistance," Ayman Taha, a spokesperson for the group said. "This is a reaction to the continuing occupation and the continued building of settlements."
This was no doubt planned following the new government's appointment. They will now have to prove that they are capable of responding soundly.

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