Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Some justice has finally been done by obliterating the house of the tractor terrorist who murdered 3 people and injured many others last year:
(IsraelNN.com) The rumble of a bulldozer and other heavy construction equipment disrupted the quiet of Jerusalem on Tuesday morning, as police began demolition of the apartment of last summer’s first bulldozer terrorist.

The intricate work continued throughout the afternoon, despite an attempted car terrorist attack, and subsequent riots when the terrorist was neutralized by police.

Three people were murdered in the July 2, 2008 attack and more than 40 others were wounded before an off-duty soldier managed to neutralize the 30-year-old attacker, Husam Dwayat. A father of two, the Tzur Baher resident was a construction worker for the Jerusalem municipality.

A large police force was deployed on the scene and throughout the neighborhood to secure the demolition.
When someone as repulsive as that commits an even more repulsive crime, they should be made to expect the loss of a "home" they don't deserve. I recommend building a park/garden in place of that stupid structure.

As they were working on the demolition, another bigot, mentioned above, tried to ram 3 officers with a car:
(IsraelNN.com) An Arab terrorist attempted on Tuesday afternoon to attack Israeli forces securing the demolition of the home of Jerusalem’s first bulldozer terrorist.

While police were destroying the building that housed the 30-year-old Tzur Baher (Har Homa) resident who last year murdered three civilians and wounded 45 others, the inhabitant of the nearby Jabel Mukabar neighborhood attempted a similar move with his own vehicle.

The Arab driver, 20-year-old Iyyad Azmi Awisat appeared to be leaving the neighborhood, but then tried to run over a group of Border Police officers who were stationed by a square at a security post, where they were inspecting cars and people entering the area.

The officers, realizing they were being targeted, tried to flee. Three officers suffered light leg wounds and were evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in the capital.

The commander of the Border Police unit fired at the vehicle, while additional security forces fired from an adjacent wall, mortally wounding the terrorist driver. He died a short while later.

Additional police forces have been called to the scene. Demolition of the previous terrorist’s home proceeded without interruption.
That hit-and-run attemptee can go to hell. If he hadn't died, he could have his citizenship revoked and a declaration made that he's no longer a citizen of Jerusalem.

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