Tuesday, March 03, 2009

UK INQUIRY: Schizophrenic murderer of 4 was failed BY NHS

TOL: Schizophrenic Daniel Gonzales stabbed four people after NHS ignored his pleas
A schizophrenic killer who murdered four people in three days was failed repeatedly by an ineffective NHS, an inquiry has found.

The treatment of Daniel Gonzales was full of missed opportunities that could have prevented him stabbing three pensioners and another man to death.

Despite nearly 60 appointments with doctors and psychiatrists and his own pleas to be admitted to a hospital, Gonzales was free to fulfil his ambition of becoming a serial killer resembling the film character Freddy Krueger, from the Nightmare on Elm Street series.

Gonzales's mother, Lesley Savage, had written to her MP begging for help, saying that she feared her son would only get the treatment he needed if he killed someone.

An independent investigation found that the work of Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust had been hampered by human errors, a lack of funds, system failure and bad luck.


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