Sunday, March 01, 2009


The Left is fond of raising taxes.

Sometimes they favor it because they want to spend the money on stuff they like. Like a mag-lev train between LA and Vegas. Or condoms to handed out in elementary schools.

Sometimes they favor it to deter stuff they don't like; in other words: they understand that taxes effect behavior: have a new high tax on something and folks will use less - or go to the black market.

Yet despite knowing this effect - and despite advocating higher taxes because of this effect (as when they advocate higher gas taxes (to reduce gas consumption, or higher cigarette taxes to reduce smoking) - they still insist on raising taxes in corporations, the investor class, and capital gains, energy, etc etc etc and so on.

Obama's tax increases will have the same effect on the economy as raising taxes on cigarettes or gas have on consumption: they will reduce investment and business activity.

That's why Obama's tax increases must be fought - with as much passion as anything we have ever fought for.

And never let the left get away with saying selfishness and greed is not why we oppose these taxes.

Prosperity is. Prosperity doesn't just exist; it must be created everyday.

And not just in America.

The entire world economy depends on the ability of prosperous Americans to consume, and on our willingness to use a great deal of our common resources to protect and defend the West.

Only people who want to knock us off the pedestal and make us less prosperous and thereby less strong and powerful could possibly support Obama's tax increases.

I have very little doubt that Obama wants this: he and his ilk have long seen the USA as the chief menace in the world: responsible for most of the world's poverty, its pollution, its wars.

These are of course entirely and demonstrably false.

But regardless of the false basis of their animus toward the USA, the fact remains that they want the USA to chastised, weakened, taught a lesson - brought down a notch. And Obama's tax and spend policies will do that.

Dissent accordingly.

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