Monday, March 09, 2009


Today the Sunni adherents of Islam celebrate the birth of their "prophet" Muhammad, Blessed be the name of Satan's Twin Brother!

So I have prepared a special post for all the Islamo Fascist, Jihadi, Wahhabi readers of my blog in the most remote corners of their caliphate, specifically Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.

As such, let me provide links to the follwing sites which best sum up the inherent nature of the conflict we face worldwide:

Weblog Geert Wilders

"Fitna" the movie

"Farewell Israel" the movie

"Obsession" the movie

"The Third Jihad" the movie

Danish Muhammad Cartoons support site

Citizen Warrior's Koran for Kafirs (non-believers)

Fighting Radical Islam website

Islam, Slavery and Rape analysis

Jihad Watch Islam 101

What the West needs to Know website

Anti-Jihad Resistance website

Truth Tube TV

Muhammad Image Archives

The Religion of Peace website

Religion of Peace subject index

Euronews Islam is Violent Faith commentary

Originally posted @ Let's Get It Right


  1. Hey that's a great idea--I think I'll post a little happy birthday wish for Mohammed later. I'd hate to forget about the guy on his birthday.

    After all, he brought such great gifts as Jihad, Intifadas, suicide bombers, and other great gifts to humanity--it's the least we could do to honor this great man.

    I think it would be a good idea to get the entire conservative blogging world to honor his birthday every year by reminding Islam of our free speech rights, and post those hated cartoons year-after-year.

  2. Yeah Comrade Tovya, the Sunnis celebrate it today, the Shia on the 13th this year.

    I like your blog, very cool, added it to my RSS blog feed...

    I totally concur with your assesment regarding the conservative blogosphere!!!

    take care
