Thursday, March 05, 2009


Zombietime reports on a Islam promotion drive being funded by CAIR and ICNA, putting ads on buses, first in Ft. Lauderdale and now in San Francisco (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin).

Most peculiar is how no gay-lesbian groups have objected to them in SF, as Islam opposes their culture(?). If Christian and Judaist activists try to cure people suffering from homosexuality or ban gay marriage as has taken place in California, that often does have them in a tizzy. But here? So far, as Zombie reports, they've been silent. Where then do they stand?

I think a good response to the advertisements would be to follow the example of Martin Luther King and boycott companies that take these ads, or even to wear a protest shirt while riding on them.

1 comment:

  1. Here in Miami they are all over the place, figures 14 of the 19 Sept 11 hijackers lived in South Florida...
