Thursday, March 26, 2009


The AP Wire has this brief clip about what the pro-palestinian crowd in Sweden is up to:
STOCKHOLM (AP) - The Swedish Arts Council says it has named a Palestinian organization that promotes children's reading as the 2009 winner of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for Literature.

The annual award is the world's largest children's book award and includes a cash prize of 5 million kronor ($620,000). It is named after late Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren.

The Palestinian Tamer Institute For Community Education was awarded for its work to promote reading on the West Bank and in Gaza. Tuesday's citation honored its "unusual breadth and versatility."

Each year it organizes a national reading campaign, including discussions about literature, drama and writing activities.

The prize will be handed out by Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria in a ceremony on June 2.
They don't even say what they published! Okay, I'm sure there's something, but then one can only wonder what it really is that they're giving a prize for. Lies are certainly one of those things. Politicized storytelling is another.

And I'm guessing that Israeli groups for promotion of children's reading would never win the award, right?

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