Sunday, March 15, 2009


[Chris Horner]

Yesterday, the BBC ran an article with the headline “Earth warming faster than thought.”

Yet, as we increasingly see in this context — and as damningly portrayed in Chapter 1 of Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed, as the media's stock-in-trade, using headlines to lie to the folks who will never read the full article — the piece itself offers no evidence of any such thing. It merely reveals claims of impacts that modelers project would result from a large warming — impacts greater than previously asserted by others, as is how things work when it comes to global warming.

... The article said “New data was presented in Copenhagen on sea level rise, which indicated that the best estimates of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) made two years ago were woefully out of date.” The use of the word “data” is subtly betrayed in the next sentence as improper; the appropriate term was “projections.” “Scientists heard that waters could rise by over a metre across the world with huge impacts for hundreds of millions of people.” Sea level rise in fact saw its peak in 2005.

Atmospheric temperature has not warmed in 15 years, even though computer models such as those relied upon for such sensational claims were wrong in predicting that they temperatures should have warmed steadily since.

Reporters — and headline writers — need to bear in mind that scientists continuing to one-up each other in unverifiable claims about future catastrophes that will befall us unless a desired agenda is adopted does not on its own merit a news story. Further, these claims do not conflate with empirical temperature observations, which the record is clear are not greater in scope or rate than previously predicted.

It is inconceivable that reporters and editors are this regularly and ritually stupid. They do this on purpose, not merely to sell copy, but to frighten you into accepting an agenda they have adopted — with revolutionary fervor, if very little substance — and hence the ruses and lies.

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