Monday, February 09, 2009


Tomorrow Israelis head to the polls in order to determine who will be their next Prime Minister.(Photos courtesy of Zipni's Facebook page and Netanyahu's Facebook page)

Netanyahu calls for "unity" in a news conference he held with Yuval Rabin, son of the late, great Yitzhak Rabin.

IDF Soldiers and Border Police have begun voting already, as polling continues to trend towards a tight Likud victory tomorrow. It seems that the Yisrael Beiteinu Party is the dark horse that could have a huge impact, as well.

Avigdor Lieberman, their chairman, is open to a coalition with Livni in case of a Kadima-Likud tie in the Knesset.

Outgoing PM Olmert formally endorses Livni and postulates that she will be the "18th Prime Minister" of the Jewish state.

Likud is very concerned that Kadima will gain a come from behind victory, especially as Livni pushes secular voters, independents, young adults and the key female demographic.

Follow special campaign coverage @ The Jersulem Post, YNet News, Haaretz and Isreal National News.

Live blogging and security related alerts @ The Muqata, Isreallycool and Israpundit.

Crossposted @ Let's Get It Right.


  1. Looks like Bibi, but it is getting close, will be interesting to see the coalition he builds.
