Sunday, February 15, 2009


Even the UN's rapporteur on violence against women, Yakin Erturk, knows the truth:

"There is no time left to lose any more as this is a growing crisis," she said after a speech which dealt with the issue at an international conference on "Equality and Justice in the Muslim Family."

"Women must demand that their governments implement agreements on women's equality, rights and an end to violence against women, which have been signed but have yet to be carried out," she said.

"In these countries, those who speak on behalf of Islam still justify things like stoning or killing a woman for this or that reason as being part of their religion. I have heard this at the most official of levels," Erturk said without specifying which countries were to blame.

As Robert Spencer notes, "part of what Islamic jihadists want to bring to the West is this violence against women."

The everyday violence of life in the Ummah would astound the lefty peaceniks who demonstrate in the streets as useful idiots for the jihad.

1 comment:

  1. to end ww4, the swamp we must drain is the islamo-misogynistic home.

    jihadists are raised, not born.
