Sunday, February 15, 2009

This Story Is a Gauge of Potential Problems In the United States

From Reuters: Chavez seeks re-election chance in referendum
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans voted on Sunday on a reform proposal that would allow socialist President Hugo Chavez to stay in power for as long as he keeps winning elections after a turbulent decade ruling the OPEC nation.

Chavez, who says he needs another 10 years for his revolution to take root, holds a slim edge in polls, but many Venezuelans remain undecided on the constitutional reform to lift restrictions on re-election.

A burly former soldier who often challenges U.S. influence in the region, Chavez narrowly lost a vote in December to end term limits and if he loses his second try he would have to leave office in 2013 or find another way to change the rules.
If Chavez wins this vote, and our media spins it as a positive reform, we will know we are headed for trouble

Furthermore, if key members of the Democratic Party attempt to spin this as a positive reform, then we can guess that they will stop at nothing to make such "reform" happen in the United States as well.

Anyone up for a perpetual Obama Presidency?

Note this "reform" is being tried a second time, just two months after it was voted down.

Chavez is attempting to make the Venezuelan people keep voting until they get it right.

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