Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The "Butcher of Kenya", Raila Odinga, and the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, met today in Nairobi. As the above video indicates, Obama was quite instrumental in having his vicious cousin obtain the PM's post by fraud, coercion, manipulation and murder! (H/T Gateway Pundit)

This is a very interesting development for two reasons:

1. Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel took a vacation in December to Kenya, Uganda and Zambia, traveling with his wife, Amy, their three children and friends. Coincidentally, at a time when the Supreme Court had just heard/was still entertaining petitions regarding Obama's birth certificate.

2. Odinga could quite easily become the middle man between the savage Mullahs in Iran and the Obama administration, as they seek to betray & abandon Israel, while they suck up to the Mothership of Terror in Tehran!

Odinga is a hybrid politically. A Marxist by profession who has a son named Fidel who cut a deal with Muslim jihadists in Kenya in order to force himself into power.

Does this sound eerily familiar to anyone???


  1. Hey Google isn't letting me e-mail this article to my friend. What gives>?

  2. I don't know why Harp, better to use the permalink and cut and paste it on a email???
