Thursday, February 19, 2009


Dick Morris demonstrates below how Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., has been derelict & non-compliant in his prime responsibility as President of the United States:

President Barack Obama’s record in battling terrorism has proven so weak that one wonders if he really takes the issue seriously.

Since he has taken office, the president has:

• Announced closure of Guantanamo.

• Declined to prosecute the mastermind behind the USS Cole bombing.

• Closed all overseas CIA interrogation centers.

• Appointed an Attorney General and Justice Department officials on record as opposed to the use of “enhanced” interrogation techniques in terror investigations.

• Granted Al Arabia television his first news organization interview and called Fatah Party leader and PA President Mahmoud Abbass in his first phone contact with any foreign leader.

Now, with no strings attached, the president has allocated $20.3 million in “post-conflict humanitarian aid” to “Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The additional funds bring to $60 million U.S. aid commitments in Gaza. (Read entire article here)


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Obama is a great president. His presence is impacting grants like no other president prior. Grant funding for minorities and middle class have increased nearly 10,000% in the past week.

    Obama's New Grants
    Largest Grant Amounts in History!

  2. Isn't it interesting that mberenis calls Obama great simply because "Obama" is giving money away? Where is Obama getting the money? It is like liberals think Obama is giving his own money away. No, he is taking money out of the pocket of someone else to give to you. Obama a communist? Nooooo....
