Monday, February 23, 2009


Bill Levinson @ IsraPundit reminds us that "Jesus died for Christians, Muslims died for Mohammed."

"Note that Militant Muslims are still feeding their largely uneducated followers this nonsense to turn them into mindless killing automatons and walking bombs. As an example, Ayatollah Khomeini gave teenage boys plastic “keys to Heaven” to get them to walk into mine fields. Palestinian mullahs tell Palestinian schoolchildren that they will go to Paradise if they blow themselves up while killing Jews. Someone needs to point out that a “religion” whose leaders call upon the followers to die for them, or for Allah, is totally inferior to one whose central premise is that its leader died for his followers."

Watch Geert Wilders' film "Fitna" here.

Access clip from the following anti-Jihad movies "The Third Jihad" , "Obsession" , "Farewell Israel" .

Learn more about the diabolical Muslim code of Sharia law here.

Read about the hallmarks of slavery and rape inherent to Islam here.

See extreme modern image depictions of that charlatan Muhammad here.

Make no mistake the "Religion of Peace" is a death cult of evil and mayhem.


  1. For safety's sake and the truth of your message, I hope you haven't used your real name....

  2. I love how many American conservatives are putting Gen. Boykin-esque religious bigotry on full display these days.

    The rest of the world is getting tired of eliminationist religious extremism, be it of Islamic, Christian or Jewish origin. It certainly is no longer a winning electoral strategy, so by all means, please stay that course.

  3. Tripletboys, Confederate Colonel Isaac Avery of the Sixth North Carolina died at Gettysburg and his last words were, "Tell my father I died with my face to the enemy."

    If 20 yr old kids can die for me in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, the least I can do is this for them and for my Republic.

  4. Audrey, Gen. Boykin is an American Patriot and a War Hero.

    Scumbags like William Arkin, Sean Penn and yourself are able to exercise your rights and liberties because people like Gen. Boykin.

    Don't come lecture me you collaborationist dhimmi who would have our country kow tow to tyranny and condemn us to barbarism!!!!


    Tripletboys, Confederate Colonel Isaac Avery of the Sixth North Carolina died at Gettysburg and his last words were, "Tell my father I died with my face to the enemy."

    If 20 yr old kids can die for me in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, the least I can do is this for them and for my Republic.
    # posted by Blogger Carlos Echevarria : 7:57 PM

    Audrey, Gen. Boykin is an American Patriot and a War Hero.

    Scumbags like William Arkin, Sean Penn and yourself are able to exercise your rights and liberties because people like Gen. Boykin.

    Don't come lecture me you collaborationist dhimmi who would have our country kow tow to tyranny and condemn us to barbarism!!!!
    # posted by Blogger Carlos Echevarria : 8:02 PM

    AWESOME CARLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jesus died for everyone, not just for Christians.

    Romans says that when a Gentile does according to the law written in his heart, he is demonstrating faithfulness, and his faith will be credited to him as Righteousness.

    The Blood of Christ pays the debt of sin. God gives salvation to those according to their faithfulness.

    The thing that people get confused about is that the Bible says, works can not save us, but Grace alone. But, that does not mean that our faithfulness does not demonstrate that we are willing to accept the Grace of God.

    That's my two cents.

    Christ died for everyone. Muslims die for Mohammed.


  7. as a Jew I'd add this:

    "Who is like You, Hashem (G-d), who removes iniquity and overlooks transgression of the remainder of His inheritance. He does not remain angry forever because He desires kindness.

    He will return and He will be merciful to us, and He will conquer our inquities, and He will cast off our sins into the depths of the oceans. Give truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham, like that you swore to our ancestors from long ago."

    also: see page 106

    of the Pope's book:

  8. true n such is deception by this evil man mohammed
