Friday, February 27, 2009


That's okay, Livni, we'd be better off without you:
Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni ended her meeting with Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, after the latter refused to include the "two states for two people solution" in his government's basic guidelines.

"Two states (one for the Israelis and one of the Palestinians) is not an empty slogan," Livni said as she left the meeting. "Unity is not just sitting in a government together. It also means sharing a way."

The two officials met at a Tel Aviv hotel for about two hours.

"I came to meet with the Likud chairman for a second time in order to hear about his vision and the way he wishes to implement. Israel is facing challenges. I told him Kadima would support any right moves by the government.
And just what are those moves they'd consider right? Keep going, Livni, just keep squawking like a chicken. And her own words are what's empty around here, besides just the slogan.
"In order to deal with the challenges I wanted three fundamental things which you are aware of," she said. "Two states is not an empty slogan. It's the only way Israel can remain Jewish and fight terror. It's a matter of principle.

"We discussed the issues. I didn't see any commitment on Bibi's part to these issues. The meeting ended without any understandings, and we cannot be part of Netanyahu's government," Livni stated, vowing to act as "a responsible opposition".
Ho, I'll bet!
The Likud leader's associates made it clear before the meeting that he would not accept the "two states for two people" formula. Senior Kadima officials clarified that Netanyahu's commitment to a peace process was insufficient, stressing that the world now views the Annapolis process as the foundation of any negotiations.
And just what do they mean by the world, anyway? All those jokers are doing is providing more comedy.

Netanyahu is right not to accept a formula that's just another form of segragation, which fiends like Jimmy Carter ironically accuse Israel of doing. Livni can stay in the opposition all she wants as far as I'm concerned. But I doubt she'll do very well there. Gideon Saar, the head of Likud's negotiating team, says she's sabotaging discussion out of personal motives. Personally, I think she's holding a grudge because she wasn't chosen to form a government, notwithstanding how the left-wing was left with little chance in this election's results of doing so. This could make some sense, but then shows how she's not fit to be a politician.

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