Thursday, February 05, 2009


Debbie Schlussel writes about Judea Pearl, the father of the murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, and tells that he's simply not what he could be. In fact, some of the things Judea's said and done are disturbing.

I think I recall Pearl signaling his support for Steven Spielberg's disgusting Munich movie 3 years ago, and that clued me in that something was wrong with his mindset. But now, I realize that he himself appears to be a leftist.

And I think I can understand now why the movie biopic about Daniel Pearl, whose exact title I can't even remember now (and he may not have even been the central focus), was made in all its moral equivalence and leftism. Update: now I remember: it was called "A Mighty Heart". A shame it couldn't live up to its title.

1 comment:

  1. Avi,
    Interesting points by Ms. Schlussel.

    Yesterday, I got an email from Steven Emerson about Dr. Pearl's essay -- with some possible steps to take with sending emails to various people. In my view, those of us who recognize and understand the ideology which led to the brutal slaughter of Daniel Pearl can use Mr. Emerson's suggestions to good advantage.

    Well, maybe to good advantage. At least, we can give those suggestions a try.

    I plan to and to incorporate some of the material from Ms. Schlussel in my emails.
