Monday, February 02, 2009


IsraellyCool informs us about the IAF's response to repeated transgressions of the "cease-fire" by that Islamo-Fascist hive of malevolence, Hamas.

Of course, those "evil" officers of the IDF actually had the audacity to actually warn their intended victims/collateral damage possibilities.

The actual IDF news brief reads as follows:

In response to the barrage of Qassam rockets and mortar shells fired at Israel today, which wounded an Israeli civilian and two IDF soldiers, the Israel Air Force attacked a number of targets throughout the Gaza Strip a short while ago.

The targets attacked include six smuggling tunnels and a Hamas

As the sole authority in the Gaza Strip, Hamas bears full responsibility for all terror activity originating within its area of control.
However, DEBKAFile cites the ongoing tension between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, as to the appropriate manner to counter-act the continued provocations of Hamas in Gaza.

Ted Belman @ Israpundit goes into greater detail regarding this row and, personally, as one who admires Livni but comprehends that Bibi is now the proper option, I would postulate that she in major damage control mode, especially as Kadima could actually come in fourth place on the 10th of February.

Read more about the actual strikes and its intended targets here.

Also, outstanding live blogging @ The Muqata here.

On another note, apparently, according to, all is NOT quiet on the Eastern Front as IDF soldiers had to take out some dangerous psychopath in the West Bank, who no doubt is presently enjoying his 72 trans-gendered virgins (or more likely camels) in Hell!

Lastly, and this is a little dated, Little Green Footballs has a video from Davos wherein Pres. Shimon Peres goes on an electrifying 20 minute diatribe against the extremist Prime Minister of Turkey......It is a must watch and can be found here.

***On a personal note I would like to state that this is my first post on this incredible blog, and it is an honor and privilege to have been extended the courtesy to do so. I will invariably do my level to best to carry its message and battles to all corners of the globe!!!

I can also be found & read on my main site,
Let's Get It Right.


  1. Great job (and thanks for the link :)

  2. No problem Jameel, I love your site!!!

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