Wednesday, February 18, 2009


But then again, will they actually do so? Well first, let's take a look at the following news excerpt (via Hot Air):
In a victory for the Home Office, law lords today decided that Qatada - who is wanted in Jordan on terror charges - could be deported from the UK.

The Government had appealed against a court decision preventing his deportation on the grounds he may face unfair treatment in Jordan.

The 48-year-old, once dubbed Osama bin Laden’s right-hand-man-in Europe, has claimed evidence against him was extracted by torture. [...]

Human rights groups condemned the decision, which also favoured the Home Office in its efforts to deport two Algerians.

Amnesty International urged ministers not to take the judgment as a “green light” to deport more people to regimes where they risked unfair trial and torture.
Ahem. These are savage criminals in focus here. Who cares what happens to them? I've got a feeling that, depending on what circumstances come up next, those regimes might not do anything to such scum in the end. And yet, why do I get the feeling that, even with this victorious ruling, they won't actually deport the vermin? It ain't over till its over.

Update: quite predictable, I'm telling you (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
Radical cleric Abu Qatada will stay in Britain for months despite a House of Lords ruling that he should be deported to Jordan where he faces terror charges.

The Law Lords said Qatada, dubbed "Osama Bin Laden's right hand man in Europe", could be sent back to Jordan where he faces terror charges after overturning a Court of Appeal decision.

But the extremist could still remain in the country for many months if he takes his case to the European Court of Human Rights.
And one can only guess how that'll turn out. Right? He'll appeal to the overlording court of Europe, we can be sure, but even if they don't reverse the verdict, it's possible that Britain may just forget to bring him to the airport, and he'll go into hiding within the country. And to make matters worse:
The move is likely to delay any moves to deport him for months and even years.
I figured as much.

1 comment:

  1. Why can't he just be hung and quartered like the gold ol' days in England???
