Sunday, February 22, 2009


Even before the stimulus bill was signed into law, Virginia Governor Michael Kaine, devotee of BHO, was getting quite the avalanche of requests. Check out these two examples from today's Washington Post:
Eric Blow, a Fairfax County software development manager, asked for $50,000 so his wife could turn her fledgling cake-decorating business into a bakery. Ron Houser, a state investigator from south of Culpeper, asked for $50,000 to help send his oldest son to college. "His mother and I can contribute the remaining $13,200," Houser wrote.
And another:
Tony Barrix Jr., who lives in the Shenandoah Valley community of Bridgewater, asked for $2,000 to pay off a high-interest loan he took out using his car title as security. He offered this in the Project Description field online: "I just went and paid $380.00 for one month and not a penny went towards my 1500.00 loan. ive had the loan now for over a year and cannot get it paid off. If i get behind on my payment they are going to take the only way i can support my family. Please help me pay off this loan before we lose everything. Thanks soo much Tony Barrix Jr".
And perhaps the most absurd request of all given in the WaPo article:
On the day Kaine's effort was announced, a Fairfax man submitted two proposals totaling $5,000.

"I am seeking $1,000 to put hardwood floors in my house," read the first. It would cover 400 square feet, create one job and benefit the flooring company, he wrote. He also wants to improve his yard. "This project has been designed and is literally 'shovel' ready. I have selected a landscaping firm that needs the business but I just need the money."
"I just need the money"?


Hell, I need the money too, but I don't expect the stimulus bill to put a new roof on my house or to pay my heating bills and health insurance premiums.

But I see that some people (Were they always nuts or just got that way because of Obamamania?) actually seem to think that they deserve money for free — for whatever profligacy, luxury, or debt payment.

BHO, with all the campaign yapping of his, as well as with his statements as President, has actually led to people believing and nearly demanding that the government should take care of them — from cradle to grave.

I never thought that I'd live long enough to see Virginians swallow Marxism like this.

Now, how many other Americans out there are as deluded as the saps cited in the Washington Post article?

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