Saturday, January 17, 2009


Lefties like to call themselves "progressives" as if they stood on the side of progress and everyone else was a caveman.

This is hogwash.

Most of the policies which "progressives" advocate are policies which failed abysmally in the last century.

China was a "progressive" socialist state from 1949 until 1979 - and all that accomplished - besides PC talk and "free" healthcare was MASS STARVATION. Deng Xiao Ping introduced freemarket policies and no - just thirty years later China is the third largest economy on earth.

South Korea was poorer than North Korea after the armistice ended the war; now it is richer and North Korea is STARVING - like China was before capitalism and "US hegemony".

Nationalization - a form of progressivism - destroyed Britain; Thatcher - a conservative - dismantled it and saved Britain.

And so on.

Now, Obama and Pelosi and Reid would have us go down those same well-trodden paths, using those same awful policies based on the same awful principles and it will inevitable have the same awful consequences: FAILURE.



Despite the "progressives" controlling Congress and the White House - we can stop them.

We have before:

We stopped Hillarycare.

We stopped Immigration Amnesty.

We stopped Dubai Ports.

We stopped Miers.

We can stop the "stimulus package" and we can stop the "green economy" and all other "progressive" policies.

We can and we must.

Never give up and never give in.

Never, never, never, never, never.

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