Sunday, January 11, 2009


Since Roe v Wade, their have been 30 million abortions and 30 million illegal aliens in the USA alone.

RELATED!? Dunno. Maybe. Maybe the Left feels abortion is fine because why go to all the trouble having your own baby when you can hire an illegal alien to do the work you'd rather not have your child grow up to do.


I think it's interesting that pro-abortion groups are mostly leftists who also favor amnesty.
They also feel that there's very little in our civilization worth dying for - or killing for. We could just chat with our enemies at the UN, and everything would be worked out - in their minds.

Maybe if the Left had a little more faith in the importance of our values then they'd want more kids to make sure these values were transmitted to future generations. But they mostly don't give a crap about Western Civilization - or think it's functionally and structurally equivalent to any and all cultures - so why bother going to all the trouble of having kids.

Abortion on demand and burgeoning immigration from the Third World into the First World are two key reasons why the West is declining and why European cultures are threatened with collapse, demographically.

That's a key why the Left favors them both.


  1. Interesting parallel-I had never thought of abortion and illegal immigration and liberal 'thinking' that way...

  2. In the 1960's we begin hearing about overpopulation of the U.S.
    Excessive pollution.
    Excessive energy consumption.
    Abortion was legalized.
    Americans were led to believe that they
    should only have 2 children to stabilize
    the population
    Immigration policy was changed to discontinue European imigration and increase third world immigration.
    Since the 1960 U.S population has increased by 100 million but thats
    only because of immigration.
    The Govt doesn't seem to be the least
    bit concerned with over population
    from immigration.
    It seems like the first facts on this list were meant to brainwash americans to stop having kids so that the multicutural america could be created more easily.
