Thursday, January 22, 2009


These past 8 years have been imbued with so much hate. The Bush administration has been accused of using hate - and fear - of muslims terrorists to promote it's program of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it's attack on human rights at home. But who are the real haters? Nowhere do I see more blind hatred than in the comments on Facebook, in the press, and on the street by people who are "so glad to see Bush go..." I believe this hate leads to a moral blindness - just like the blindspot we all have and do not see - these haters do not see their own moral blindness. A norwegian diplomat who compares the shortlived Israeli invasion of Gaza with the horrendous acts of the Nazi's is morally blind.

Hatred between democrats and republicans has made Congress disfunctional. Hatred has made the massmedia disfunctional. If americans disposed of their petty hatreds they might see who the real victims of hatred are.
When Obama's through dismantling the controversial defenses the Bush administration erected to protect Americans from terror we will see that there still exist millions of people who hate the West, particularly America and Israel. Yet their hatred is not morally blind - as it is directed by some of their religious leaders it is in fact EVIL.

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