Saturday, December 20, 2008


Richard Falk, one of the United Nations' most evil members, has been shown the door from Israel this week:
No one can say they didn't see it coming: Israel this week expelled a United Nations investigator who compared Israeli policies to the Nazi Holocaust.

Israeli officials barred Richard Falk from entering Israel to investigate its policies towards the Palestinians because, as one Israeli official said, of Falk's "extreme, methodic criticism of Israel."


In May, Falk had a chance to explain what he meant in an extended interview on the BBC.

While Falk said he regretted using the analogies, under persistent pressure from the host, he stood by his statements.
Interesting how it sounds like the BBC host wanted him to stand by his blasphemy. Not surprising coming from the Beeb. But also disappointing is how people like these are never asked for their opinions on Islam itself, though as I'm aware, the UN banned the discussion of it a short time ago.

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