Sunday, December 07, 2008

STEYN: "Demographic Deathwatch" for Britain

At this rate, Britain will not be British much sooner than you think:

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) will publish figures showing that the UK's birth rate surged last year to a 30-year high, driven by a baby boom among immigrant families. Among all babies born in the UK, 23 per cent had mothers who were born abroad. Whereas British-born women have only 1.7 children each on average, the figure is 3.9 for Bangladeshi-born women in Britain, and almost five for Pakistani-born women.

By the way, that British-born 1.7 is only kept that high by the significantly higher birth rates of British-born women of Pakistani and Bangladeshi descent who now account for the main demographic energy in most English cities.
For Europe to remain European Europeans must reproduce and transmit their culture to their children.


The Eiffel Tower and Big Ben will be a minarets calling the "faithful" to prayer.

Notre Dame and St. Paul's mosques...

This is not far-fetched: The second largest cathedral in the world became a mosque (and is now a museum which may become a mosque again if current Turkish political trends continue).

This time the hordes are invading via socialist aided immigration and socialist aided assimilation - (we are being forced to assimilate into their culture!) - and not military invasion.

If this bothers you, then you must fight both immigration and multiculturalism.

1 comment:

  1. Steyn is the true visionary on this issue...France, Spain and Italy the continent's old back bone of Christendom is even worse!!!!

    I traveled to Amsterdam in Feb. on business and I am not exagerting that there was about 35% of Muslims on the streets and women with scarves, walking near the Red Light District.

    Oddly, Amsterdam is shutting down aspects of the Red Light district while giving in to Muslim radicals in the Netherlands and apoligizing for Gert's film, etc.

    Dhimmitude is full blown and get ready for Sharia law communities,with Justice Dept approbation, courtesy of HUSSEIN, in Texas, Florida and Michingan!!!!!

    BTW, you probaly know this but Soetoro the Indonesian is going to have MidEast/Isreali policy report directly to him, 3 Dennis Ross types, if I am correct???
