Sunday, December 14, 2008

Queen's Counsel Says, Make Sharia Part Of UK Law

I believe a "QC" is a Queen's Counsel, or, in other words, one of the leading lawyers in the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Yes, and he's calling for Muslim religious law to be installed into the system of the nominally Anglican, but overwhelmingly secular society of the UK.

This is outright sedition. Hmm, I wonder what his punishment should be?

Oh, I know. We should stone him to death. How's that?

From the Sunday Express:
SHARIA law will “inevitably” become part of the legal system and work should begin now to incorporate it into British law, a leading barrister said last night.

Stephen Hockman, QC, former chairman of the Bar Council, spoke at a meeting organised by the website Islam4UK, where another speaker was Anjem Choudary, former head of banned fanatical group al-Muhajiroun.

Sharia law has become associated with executions, stonings and hands being cut off.

But Mr Hockman told the Daily Express: “Given our substantial Muslim population, it is vital that we look at ways to integrate Muslim culture into our traditions.

“Otherwise we will find that there is a significant section of our society which is increasingly alienated, with very dangerous results.
Note that no one is worried that Vietnamese people will be "increasingly alienated, with very dangerous results". Nor are we worried that Chinese people, African Christians, South Americans, or any other people will be "alienated, with increasingly dangerous results".

No, we're only worried about Muslims. And, why is that? Because Muslims are increasingly dangerous. The more Muslims there are, the more dangerous they are. And, their alienation is built into their religion, as they are taught from verses in the Koran that they ought not make friends with non-Muslims.

So, the "QC" is attempting to solve problems which can not be solved by appeasing Islam. That is the definition of dhimmitude.

1 comment:

  1. "Kingdom of Great Britain."

    It's actually "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
