Sunday, December 21, 2008


Obama's cabinet picks provide a fascinating glimpse into how he will govern and what he will try to accomplish.

1 - Obama selected Holder to be USAG because of one thing: he's black and Obama wanted to appoint the first black. This is identity politics and groupism and proves that Obama will continue the collectivist approach to social problems.

2 - The economics team is an experienced group of center-left economists who will do okay - not what we conservatives want, but a lot better than we might have gotten. Volcker, and Summers are solid.

Obama will let them do what they have to do to get the financial system rolling again. Summers won't oppose eventually raising taxes to Clintonian heights.

3 - The national security team are also centrists - but Scowcroftian; they will pursue dialog, appeasement and what they call "realism" - AND TOSS ISRAEL UNDER THE BUS A SOON AS THEY CAN.

4 - The team which will run the LEFT-WING departments - HHS, Education, Labor, the EPA and his science advisor are all HARDCORE LEFTIES.

This is where Obama will pursue an aggressive left-wing agenda.


  1. I don't know how Obama is going to get away with his Global Warming agenda, when it is freaking 32 degrees in Los Angeles.

    However, I don't think Obama is stupid enough to believe in Global Warming anyway. I think he thinks of it as an "opportunity for change."

    Enter "Climate Change".

    I have a hard time believing the American public will buy it.

    We can't have a fence, but we have to accept Climate Change.

  2. leftists continue to believe in tons of shit that's wrong - not just AGW:

    the plastic turkey

    bush lied about wmd

    the bush tax cut mostly benefited the rich

    we lost iraq

    the surge wasn't the primary factor in why we won

    nclb was bad for children and bush didn't spend more on education than clinton

    the pharmaceutical benefit for seniors isn't a benefit

    bush is a racist (despite appointing the first black Sec of Tate and the first female black, too and the first hispanic USAG and first hispanic Sec Comm) and so on

    bush's banned ALL embryonic research (and not just fed spending on it) AND either (a) all stem cells are embryonic, or (b) the onbly good stem cells are embryonic

    AND SO ON.


    obama is part of the left which adheres to these beliefs despite their falseness.

    i don't think he is a total cynic or that all lefties are, they may believe in some more than others - and go along with some of the others because important factions do.

    obama is - like most lefties - closed off from alternative/conservative info sources; they refuse to watch fox, most won't read the wsj or any column debunking any of the above; they simply put their hands on their ears and call you and i and people like us rightwingnuts.

    any sane person who will take the time to look at these issues from both sides will inevitably be drawn to the right because the right is correct on the issues.

    they know this in their heart of hearts and that's why they NEEEEEED to bring back the fairness doctrine.

    they want to strangle the right's voice.

    the left is like a juror who only hears the defendant's case and then votes to exonerate.

    obama is just like this: reading only leftwing histories and analysis.

    though as POTUS he is being forced to read National Intel' reports which can dispel some of his long held assumptions and presuppositions about our enemies.

    there are no such reports about the ecology etc so he is free to remain in the thrall of idiotic leftist ideology.

    to our peril.

    he will use his stimulus package to create a green-economy-boondoggle and he will dump Israel and he will appoint leftist judges to mandate more leftist crap from the bench.

    it's gonna be awful.
