Saturday, December 27, 2008


GAZA CITY — The Israeli Air Force on Saturday launched a massive attack on Hamas targets throughout Gaza in retaliation for the recent heavy rocket fire from the area, hitting mostly security headquarters, training compounds and weapons storage facilities, the Israeli military and witnesses said.


  1. Long live the IDF, may they strike with righteous might and thundering justice against the purveyors of evil & doom, the adherents of the death cult of Muhammad!!!

  2. why cant muslims ever get along with anyone? they fight with hindus in india. they fight with jews in israel. they fight with christians over jeruslam. they fight with themselves between shia and sunni. am i the only one who sees that?

  3. why cant muslims ever get along with anyone?

    islam is a martial creed which promulgates sociopathy and misogyny and xenophobia and genocide.

  4. To Carlos Echevarria

    It is you who belong to the cult of death of Jesus and the Bible. Jews have no right to that land and archaeological and historical researches have found no trace of ancient Israelite communities in that land. The Bible is false.
    Are you that blind to not recoginze that it is Muslim "civilians" who are dying here? But what should one expect from a Christian like you whose "holy" book is full of genocide and hatred!

  5. To Sanita

    Yes, you are the only one (Along with the hateful Christians around here)
    1. Muslims do not fight with Hindus in India. Gang attacks by Hindu, Sikh and Muslim mobs are common there.
    It is the Christians are making controversy in India by forcing poor and uneducated Hindus into converting to their retarded cult. Hindus are now turining to your cult!
    2. It is the Jews who fight with Muslims in Israel, and what is happening now is a clear evidence of that. Israel belongs to Arab Muslims and Jews migrated there in the 20's and 30's and stole the land of the Arabs to "establish" their "country"! Historical and archaeological excavations have proved that Jews do not belong to that land. It was never theirs.
    Jews started wars in 1956 and 1967. They were never peaceful.
    3. Muslims do not fight with Christians over Jerualem. when did that happen? Are now claiming that Jerusalem belongs to the Christians? And why are you always assuming that it is always that fault of the Muslims?
    4. Shias and Sunnis have stopped fighting in Iraq thanks to the loss of Bush in the elelctions. and do I need to remind you of the atrocities that Catholics and Protestants have done to each other over the centries and up to this very moment?
    Muslims get along with everybody except the Jews in Israel who stole their lands. Jews do not get along with anybody. Not in ?europe, not in Russia and not in the Middle East.

  6. To Reliapundit

    You are confused between Christianity and Islam here. What you said perfectly descrobes the Bible and Christianity, not Islam.
    1. It is the Bible that ordered the Jews to make genocide against 7 nations, killing everyone in them, even children.
    2. It is the Bible that makes woman a symbol of evil, says that women were created for men, and that women can never boss men.
    3. It is the Greek Bible that has some of the most anti-Semitic passages ever, and it is the Hebrew Bible that has some of the most racist passages against non-Jewish people.

    Do not be arrogant and ignorant. Read your own book before cursing at other people just because they do not subscribe to your wicked beliefs. House of glass!

  7. It is funny how arrogant Christians like you are venting their anti-Islam hate when it is civilian Muslims or militant Muslims with very primitive weapons who are being murdered here by an organized army with the most advanced warplanes in the world. Jews are really showing their courage their! The whole world is condemning this massacre except Christians like you!

  8. to my muzzie terrorist apologist:

    the idf targets hamas with expensive weapons and you call them bad - BUT - when hamas fires indiscriminately or targets civilians you call them noble.

    this exposes you for what you ands your so-called religion for what they really are.


    BTW: the plo was founded BEFORE so-called "occupation" of the west bank and gaza, as hamas readily admits the goal is not independence for gaza or the west bank - under islamofascism - but eradication of the state of israel.

    FACT: until israel won its independence, ONLY JEWS called themselves "palestinian". arabs living there called themselves ARABS and felt part of a non-national/trans-national ummmah.

    the idea that there is an arab "palestinian people" is BULLSHIT.

    they have no separate language, culture, art, history - NADA; they are just arabs.

    FACT: the ORIGINAL PHILISTINES/palestinians weren't even ARAB! they were from europe and emigrated there.

    arabs are INVADERS of the holy land and northern africa just as turks invaded the byzantium - now turkey.

    FACT: muhammed was a pedophile and a thief and a liar and a scoundrel who could not tell the difference between gabriel and satan.


    G-d spoke to moses.

    G-d NEVER spoke to muhammed; he claims gabriel did, and admits that satan did and that he was fooled.

    that makes mohammed an UNRELIABLE prophet.

    a false prophet.

    look at the world which arose from his teachings: a cult of death, degradation, misogyny, ignorance, poverty, terror.

    i pray you see the light and convert.

  9. "to my muzzie terrorist apologist:"

    I am not "muzzie" and I am "terrorist". Would you like it to call you an "xtian"? Be civil and grow up.

    "the idf targets hamas with expensive weapons and you call them bad - BUT - when hamas fires indiscriminately or targets civilians you call them noble.

    this exposes you for what you ands your so-called religion for what they really are.


    When did I say that? Hamas killed 2 Israeli people with cheap weapons. Israel "retaliates" by murdering 230 people, mostly civilian, by using the most advanced weapons there. That's disproportionate retaliation and a crime against humanity.
    And how does this exactly "expose" my religion? What does religion have to do here? Do not talk about religion when it is Muslims who are being massacred here.

    "BTW: the plo was founded BEFORE so-called "occupation" of the west bank and gaza,"

    So what? How is that relevant here?

    "as hamas readily admits the goal is not independence for gaza or the west bank - under islamofascism - but eradication of the state of israel."

    Hamas wants the historical land of the Palestinians. Israelis can live with the Palestinians in one country if they want. It is funny how you talk about "Islamofascism" here, when it's Christianonazism that eradicated 6 million Jews in Europe, and Judeofascism that robbed the Palestinians from their lands and massacred tens of thousands of them.
    "Islamofascism" is a stupid term invented by stupid Christians to cover up for their crimes under the church. It's a "you are not better than me" tactic.
    Do I have to tell you about the genocides that the Jews committed against innocent peoples? read the 5 books of Moses and the book of Joshua. It is all right there.

    For your information, Hamas never applied religious laws in Gaza. Of course the media will never tell you this.

    "FACT: until israel won its independence, ONLY JEWS called themselves "palestinian". arabs living there called themselves ARABS and felt part of a non-national/trans-national ummmah.

    the idea that there is an arab "palestinian people" is BULLSHIT."

    Wrong. The Arabic word for Palestinian (Felastini) is as old as the 7th century.

    "they have no separate language, culture, art, history - NADA; they are just arabs."

    Again wrong. They have a culture, art and history of their own. Of course they have no separate language because all that area was under the Byzantine occupation and accepted Arabic when the Arabs defeated the Byzantines. By the same "logic" Americans have no separate language or history, they are just British!
    By the way, Palestinians have their unique accent.

    "FACT: the ORIGINAL PHILISTINES/palestinians weren't even ARAB! they were from europe and emigrated there."

    I agree that the Palestinians are not ethnic Arabs. They have been in that land for thousands of years before the Arabs even existed as a race.

    "arabs are INVADERS of the holy land and northern africa just as turks invaded the byzantium - now turkey."

    Arabs are not invaders of any land. All the people that live in the Fertile Crescent and North Africa are the original people of those lands.
    Modern Turks are a mixture of central Asian and European peoples. Thus they are not invaders. Many of them belong to that land.

    "FACT: muhammed was a pedophile and a thief and a liar and a scoundrel who could not tell the difference between gabriel and satan.


    That's not fact. These are myths.
    Muhammed married Aysha when she reached a marriageable age as per verse 4:6 (Some say she was 18 and others say she was 46). The story about Aysha marrying Muhammed when she was 9 year is fake tradition and pure fiction.
    your other charges are false too but I won't comment on them since you have provided any evidences to back up your claims.

    "G-d spoke to moses.

    G-d NEVER spoke to muhammed; he claims gabriel did, and admits that satan did and that he was fooled.

    that makes mohammed an UNRELIABLE prophet.

    a false prophet."

    god spoke to Muhammed in his Night Journey to the Farthest (Aqsa) Mosque.
    The Quran never claimed that Satan spoke to Muhammed. That's another myth.

    "look at the world which arose from his teachings: a cult of death, degradation, misogyny, ignorance, poverty, terror."

    His teachings gave Muslims a golden age that lasted for several centuries. The bad state of many Muslim countries today is not because of his teachings, but because of many other political and historical factors.
    And a believer in the Bible is the last one to talk about death, misogyny and terror.
    Many Muslim countries are among the wealthiest countries in the world.

    "i pray you see the light and convert."

    No, thanks. I am happy with my religion and believe it is the best religion ever. I hope you see the light after you free yourself from the lies and misconceptions the Christian media has been feeding you all those years and convert.

  10. "His teachings gave Muslims a golden age that lasted for several centuries."



  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    محمد - تبول على منزله


    Islam takes credit for others' work, and then after they squander and destroy what they have stolen, they blame others for their miserable state.

    It's evil is obvious to any open minded person who has looked at it.

  12. Anonymous5:05 PM

    "Israel "retaliates" by murdering 230 people, mostly civilian" -- muzzie liar

    Israel targeted the terror infrastructure, you miserable distortionist punk. Most of the dead WERE terrorists. And, if there were any "civilians" it is because the cowardly killers hide behind the cribs of their babes and the skirts of their women. Also, most terrorists ARE "civilians." And most terrorists today ARE Islamofascists.

    There is NO CRIME in killing an enemy who needs to be killed, and if that enemy is hiding in civilian areas (against international law, btw) they are committing the crime of PERFIDY, and any civilian dead are the responsibility of that enemy, not those who have come to to stop them from committing any more of their evil acts.
