Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When Jimmy Carter Says "Pursuing Peace", He Means Selling Out Israel

Because Jimma is Dhimmah, you can take it to the bank, any move toward "peace" will be a move toward the appeasement of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Carter: Obama will waste no time pursuing Middle East peace
By CNN and Haaretz Staff

Former United States President Jimmy Carter said in an interview with CNN this week he expected President-elect Barack Obama to waste no time pursuing Middle East peace talks once he takes office.

Carter told CNN he "thrilled" by Obama's election and praised his victory as heralding "a new approach" to the handling of the peace process.
Carter said Obama "will not wait for even a month after he is president to start working on the peace process, where as you know, the previous two presidents waited till the least year they were in office before they began the peace process."

When asked by CNN if it would be unwise for Obama to focus on the peace process while the United States is facing an economic crisis, Carter said the process was too important to put off.

He related that when he became president, the United States was facing both an energy crisis and a troubled economy, but he still found a way to pursue peace in the Middle East.

"I think is a very important issue, I don't have any doubt in my mind that to find peace and security and human rights for the Palestinians and also for Israel would be a major factor in reducing the threat of terror," Carter told CNN.

Carter added that the failure to reach a settlement is one of the main causes of the "animosity and hatred and even violent acts against America and our allies."

Over the last year, Carter has taken on an increased role in the talks, offering to becoming a conduit between Hamas, Washington and even Israel. He has spoken out against Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip , calling it a "crime and an atrocity" on Thursday, and has blasted U.S. attempts to undermine Hamas as counterproductive.

Jimmy Carter vouches for Hamas.

Here's what it says in Hamas' official charter:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

They spell it out in their Charter. They don't believe in initiatives. But, Jimmy Carter does believe in initiatives, so he goes on negotiating.

But, his negotiations are playing with the lives of Jews. I guess to Jimmy Carter the lives of Jews is not too high a price to pay for peace.


  1. "When asked by CNN if it would be unwise for Obama to focus on the peace process while the United States is facing an economic crisis, Carter said the process was too important to put off.

    He related that when he became president, the United States was facing both an energy crisis and a troubled economy, but he still found a way to pursue peace in the Middle East."

    Yeah, so how did that work out, Jimmah?

  2. Jimmy Carter is more blind to his own foolishness than anyone I know of.

  3. Why would anyone every ask Jimmy Carter's opinion about anything relating to the Middle East? As for Carter, the man has No Shame.
