Wednesday, November 05, 2008


It's happening already . . .
President Dmitry Medvedev says Russia will deploy missiles in its Baltic Sea territory in response to U.S. missile defense plans.
There will be more challenges to come . . .

(Hat tip: Insty.)


  1. The testing of the new, young American President begins already.

    This is a smart move by the crazy Russians. I guess we can expect Iran, Venezuela, and China to make similar moves. Change all your positions while Bush is lame, and Obama is not their to react. That way, when he is finally in office, it will all seem like old news, and the momentum will be against America.

    The next few months should be interesting.

    Note, this is exactly the opposite reaction we would expect if the Russians actually respected Obama, and considered him formidable.

  2. By the way, I hold out hope that some of Obama's racicalism will be tamed by exactly these kinds of realities. Certainly, a new President does not wished to be made a fool of on the international stage. If one of the first things Obama has to deal with is the ascendent ego, and in-your-face military strategery of Russia, then Obama might find himself in the position of having to grow in office.

    It's one thing to discuss cutting the military and redistributing the wealth when sitting in the Ivory Tower, but it's another thing when the wolf is at the door.
