Saturday, November 01, 2008


Hillary versus McCain would have ALMOST been a "who cares" election: they're both libs; one is a much better hawk than the other, and much more trustworthy - MCCAIN.

Electing ANY left-of-center POTUS would be a set-back, but the country wouldn't have been in MORTAL danger if Hillary was elected. Sure: Hillary is to the left of Bill but not to the left of Saunders and Kucinich.

Obama is to the left of Saunders and Kucinich.

And a more dangerous liar than Hill'n Bill.

That's why this election is a no-brainer.

One candidate is qualified and not a threat to our nations economy and our national security, and the other candidate - OBAMA - is both a threat to our economy, our security, and the security of the free world.

Shackling our economy to higher taxes and redistribution schemes and anti-trade regimes and CUTTING the defense budget and attempting to APPEASE our self-professed enemies is a RECIPE FOR DISASTER.

Only people who think that our enemies aren't really a threat and that Europe's socialism is efficient and affordable can possibly vote for Obama.


Our enemies are real and socialism is crap. The NHS is crap - and shackling the government to MORE entitlements makes it imp[ossible to afford the military defenses we and the free world truly need.

Without a strong USA, all of Europe is as vulnerable as Georgia and Ukraine.

Obama's policies will make us weaker and embolden all of our enemies: Iran, Russia, China al Qaeda and so on.

I believe this is his goal.

I believe this because a weaker USA jibes with Reverend Wright's preaching.

Preaching Obama LOVED until this election cycle.

BOTTOM-LINE: Electing Obama is a clear and present danger to the USA and the free world.

There's Only one way we can stop him before he can do any damage.


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