Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So far, that's what it looks like. According to the Jerusalem Post and Channel 1 on TV, mayoral candidate Nir Barkat has won, with Rabbi Meir Porush coming in second. So far, this is only according to exit polls, which are only published around 10PM.

Barkat ran on a platform for helping Jerusalem, and he likely won over a lot of those who voted. The voter turnout was not that high in Jerusalem, but I have an idea it's because lot of leftists in the city did not like either candidate, and thus did not bother to vote.

If there's any candidate in this election whom I'm glad did not succeed, it's Arkadi Gaydamak:
The insignificant turnout among Arab voters was a stinging blow for the the third major candidate in the race, Israeli-Russian billionaire tycoon Arkadi Gaydamak, who had courted the Arab vote in the city.
The paper reported 2 days ago that Gaydamak was trying to get their vote through pandering: he said that he'd stop destruction of illegally built houses. In other words, he said he condones a crime. It shows how desperate he is, and it really ticks me off too. I'm not sorry Gaydamak failed in his campaign, if he's going to assail the sanctity of the great city by condoning corruption.

Update: it looks even more now like Barkat has won. Great! More about results here.

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