Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Finally, the case has been won against the Holy Land Foundation, a Muslim front group for terrorism. In Dallas, Texas, the jury has decided: guilty (Hat tip: Power Line and Israel Matzav).
Jurors have convicted a Muslim charity and five of its former leaders of all 108 charges in the largest terrorism financing trial since the Sept. 11 attacks.

The verdict was announced Monday afternoon, on the eighth day of deliberations in the retrial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. It was once the nation's largest Muslim charity.

Holy Land is accused of giving more than $12 million to support the Palestinian militant group Hamas. The group was designated by the government as a terrorist organization in 1995.
It's good to see that the prosecution was prepared this time to handle the evidence presentations. They're to be congratulated for their hard work in getting these devils convicted.

More on this at Debbie Schlussel.

1 comment:

  1. never forget that the only real "holy" land for juzlims is mecca/medina/saudi arabia.
