Friday, November 28, 2008


Commentators and pundits seem to think that Barack Hussein Obama is tilting to the center, as he fills up his administration with recycled inside-the-beltway hacks from the Clinton, Carter (and Reagan!) administrations.

Others are laughing when Obama says that he personally is the change that he promised.

Don't be fooled. Professor Jacobson is closer to the mark when he observes that these moves have the appearance of a classic city ball head fake.

To a still undefined extent, Obama's pose as a radical leftist was a disguise concealing his inner "empty suit" identity. But concealed within that "empty suit" is a narcissistic, ruthless Chicago politician who has repeatedly shown that he will stop at nothing.

If he can solve the constitutional "emoluments" problem putting HRC in charge of State removes her from an independent power-base in the Senate. And if she does not execute policy the way BHO likes, she's gone, and back out in the cold. Same with the others.

Don't misunderestimate the man.

I think he is going to use the window-dressing provided by Volcker, HRC, Gates, Geithner and the other inside-the-beltway front men to conceal an attempt to remake the United States into a euroweenie, anti-Christian, anti-Western socialist plaything for the Mullahs, the jihadis, and the Bolivarian Revolucionaries to toy with.

Without making any drastic moves himself, he will allow the radical leftists in the Congress to move to take away your guns, shut down conservative talk radio, guarantee government-funded abortions in even Catholic hospitals, dismantle the nascent missile defense, abandon our allies, and overturn significant parts of the Patriot Act.

He will try to slow all of this down so that it doesn't cause a 1994-style backlash in 2010. But the angry left will force their representatives in Congress to move faster.

Just watch.

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