Monday, October 20, 2008


FACT: Both of Obama's parents (the one's listed on his COLB, at least) died young.

FACT: McCain's parents BOTH outlived Obama's parents, AND HIS MOTHER IS STILL ALIVE.

This makes the likelihood of Biden becoming president upon Obama's death in office GREATER than the likelihood of Palin becoming president upon McCain's.

Therefore, ALL voters should be much more focused on Biden's incredible and incredibly idiotic and persistent gaffes, (and his numerous policy blunders - like opposing the 1992 Gulf War and calling for the partitioning of Iraq while opposing the Surge!), than with Palin's few gaffes or her rhetorical style or her accent.

These two words, "PRESIDENT BIDEN", are every bit as frightening as these two "President Obama" though for different reasons.

The words "President Palin" doesn't scare me at all.

Palin has proven - by taking on the corrupt GOP in Alaska, the sitting governor and Big Oil - that she is a person of great courage and moral character, a person with principles who can be counted on to do the right thing in a pinch.


  1. It's impossible for a person of sound mind to vote for a Vice Presidential candidate who refuses to give a press conference. I mean, what is this, the Soviet Union?

  2. palin has given more pressers than obama or bioden.

    see here:


    From CBS News' Scott Conroy:

    (COLORADO SPRINGS) It was less than two weeks ago when Sarah Palin astonished her traveling press corps by lifting the curtain (literally) and journeying to the back of her campaign plane to answer reporters’ questions for the first time after 40 days on the campaign trail. But the candidate who has been criticized for having a bunker mentality when it came to the national media can now lay legitimate claim to being more accessible than either Joe Biden or Barack Obama.

  3. It's nice to see she's finally turning the corner and not a moment too soon. Despite this, I still have many questions and reservations, not least the fact that she has an "R" after her name. With such incredible disapproval of Bush these days, why should we trust the Presidency to another Republican?
