Monday, October 27, 2008


Glenn Reynolds has noticed something interesting:
I wonder if the voting system is like the credit system, with same-day registration and limited ID requirements kind of like those "no doc" loans, and questionable voting machines being like the dubious credit-rating schemes. As with the credit system, lots of insiders are making out too well from the current system to want to fix it, but when the inevitable crash comes the rest of us will pay the price . . . .
The Democrats are indulging in voter fraud in every battleground state.

In Ohio, 13 Obama campaign staffers petitioned the Board of Elections to discard their absentee ballots, when the local prosecutor discovered that they were not Ohio residents. They will thereby avoid prosecution . . .

In Indiana, thousands of fraudulent voter registrations have resulted in voter rolls that exceed the population!

And the same situation obtains in Alabama.

Historical examples of how socialists, communists, and National Socialists have abused and degraded electoral systems all over the world abound. Once they are established in power, the leftists begin systematically to make elections a sham spectacle. The implications for the United States --as Reynolds hints-- are clear:

If the Obamessiah is elected with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, 2008 might very well be the last fair, legal national election in the history of the United States.

Vote accordingly.

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