Wednesday, October 08, 2008

More on Obama's terrorist associations

A great video with 1970's news footage of these communist punk terrorists making their revolutionary plans known and bragging about their atrocities. Then it switches to some modern interviews and coverage of the ties between Obama and Ayers. At the end is an interview Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn gave to Connie Chung, where they repeat on camera that they wish they had done more damage.

That interview was done during the time Obama was associated with Ayers.

If this stuff doesn't take a chunk out of Obama, I could be convinced that Ayers and his kind actually won the war against America they started back in the '70s.


Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH (2). Email me (John Ray) here


  1. Back in 2002, I had lunch with a woman who was a VP at NBC. She told me she had been a member of the SDS during the 60's

    She said, "I did horrible things, things I should have been in jail for."

    Then, after she had had some wine, she began lamenting the fact that she and her friends had not succeeded in starting a revolution.

    I told her they had indeed won, without firing a shot because she and her friends were in positions of authority all over the country, in academia, at tv networks, in the Justice system, etc.

    No matter what I said, I couldn't cheer her up. She was convinced they had lost.

    I am convinced they won.

    The election of Obama is only a rubber-stamping of their victory. It has been apparent the past few years that the Left won. Otherwise, we wouldn't have such a high percentage of Americans believing the U.S. government conspired in 9/11.

    Sorry to be so grim, but when such a high percentage of people have no grasp on reality, you can guess the left has won.

  2. we can defeat obama.

    the most powerful marketing tool of all time is WORD OF MOUTH.

    keep telling people the truth.

    in nyc, more and more people are expressing their fear of obama.

    never give up.

    never, never, never, never, never.
