Sunday, October 26, 2008


The indispensable Greyhawk has a nice article over at Pajamas Media, in which he notes:
Surprise — at least one poll shows a huge McCain lead: “[Senator John] McCain, R-Ariz., handily defeated Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., 68 percent to 23 percent in a voluntary survey of 4,293 active-duty, National Guard, and reserve subscribers and former subscribers to Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, and Air Force Times.” Or perhaps not so surprising: there’s a history involved here.
The history to which he alludes is the election of 1864, in which the votes of Union soldiers at the front carried President Abraham Lincoln to victory over the Democrat appeaser of the day, General George McClellan.

He notes the sordid history of Democrats trying to block and invalidate military absentee ballots in 2000, 2004, and again this year.

Too bad there aren't more military voters!

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