Monday, October 20, 2008


Zohair Hamdan, a muktar who survived an assassination attempt when he once spoke against Yasir Arafat, wants to endorse Jerusalem mayoral candidate Nir Barkat, who may be a good choice for mayor:
Zohair Hamdan, the mukhtar of the east Jerusalem Arab village of Sur Bahir who last month canceled plans to run for the city's mayoralty, said Sunday that he intends to endorse Nir Barkat's candidacy, and that he could bring thousands of east Jerusalem Arab voters with him.

"I have known Nir for many years, and I respect this man and what he does and represents," Hamdan told The Jerusalem Post. "I have wished him luck in the mayoral race, and if an agreement is reached, I promise to make sure that thousands of my people vote for him."

Barkat's headquarters said in response that Hamdan "has contacted our headquarters" and asked to meet with Barkat.

"A meeting between the two of them will be scheduled for the next [few] days. We will welcome all support of all the sectors living in Jerusalem."

Hamdan, 60, maintains close ties with Israel and was seriously wounded seven years ago in an attempted assassination by Palestinians, after voicing stinging criticism of the Palestinian Authority and then-chairman Yasser Arafat.
His endorsement may be just what's needed.

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