Saturday, October 18, 2008


Stirring the pot, from Al-Jazeera in Ohio:

From the news alert I received in a forwarded email (emphases mine):
ANP is working on a series between now and Nov. 4 analyzing the phenomenon of rage among McCain-Palin supporters which has surfaced in the past few weeks. Our first piece in the series will debut next week as we look at the rising tension at rallies we've attended, the effect of negative ads on the GOP base and John McCain's and the RNC's responsibility in fanning the flames.

For the other stories in this series, we need your help. Between now and Nov. 4, we want to document this rising rage nationwide at GOP rallies or anywhere else. If you have any evidence of rage, bigotry or deliberate misinformation among McCain supporters, whether at an official rally or elsewhere (local GOP groups, etc.), we need your help to video these events.

ANP producers have witnessed intimidation of Obama supporters, hate speech, racial epithets at these rallies. Our own reporters have been restricted by Republican operatives from speaking to supporters of John McCain or Sarah Palin.
Here's what we're looking for. Please look at this revealing report shot by Al Jazeera English:

We like this report for two reasons:

1) The reporter asks journalistic questions but also insistently probes people about the motivations behind their opinions but does so without the intent to provoke.

2) The approach is unbiased.

Many observers, including ANP, are worried that this agitation and rage may lead to more pointed hate speech and perhaps even incitment to violence in the campaign's last three weeks. And we would like you to help us document it.

If there is a McCain-Palin rally in your immediate area (go to to find out), we'd like to hear about it. You should edit the best rushes (about five minutes worth) and e-mail it to using software at or Make sure "McCain Palin Rage" is in the subject line.

If we use your footage in our series, whether it is 5 seconds or 5 minutes, we will pay a fee of $500 and give you producers credit.


Davin Hutchins
Managing Producer, ANP
ANP's site is HERE.

Obama supporters are being intimidated? Funny thing, but I've been seeing the opposite happen on the web.

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