Sunday, October 05, 2008

Democratic Congressman Accuses Bush Administration Of Threatening Martial Law On The Floor Of The House

Brad Sherman - limpwristed sedition-advocate

Watch as Brad Sherman disgraces himself on the floor of the House!

After leveling such accusations on the floor of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, Brad Sherman showed up on the Alex Jones Radio Show to disgrace himself even further.

(For those of you who are like me and do not know who the hell Alex Jones is, here's his website. He is one of those "the Illuminati control America" types.)

That Brad Sherman would go on Alex Jones radio show to talk about it tells you all you need to know about Brad Sherman.

If he is going to level such a charge against the Executive Branch of our government , he needs to be prepared to prove it.

If this guy said something like this about you or I, and he were not a Congressman, we would be able to sue him for slander.

This is an absolute disgrace. Such a charge is tantamount to the advocation of sedition. Because, think about it, if this is true, then we ought to overthrow the government by force, right?

What other conclusion would there be?

What is his purpose in making such a charge? Does he want us to sit idly by and do nothing while the government prepares to shoot us in the streets? Is he trying to demoralize us?

If so, then the real crime is his. But, if he's advocating that we overthrow the government, then he is either doing it with real or false allegations. So, which is it, Mr. Sherman?

I discussed this with Reliapundit. His response was:
Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, and Barack Obama have done as much harm to the USA as anyone or anything.

The Democrats do not care about American victory or a good economy.

They'd just as soon see us lose the war and sink into a Depression, if it meant they could win the White House.


  1. California, right? San Fernando Valley, probably.

    You don't need to know much more.

  2. The San Fernando Valley is the closest thing Los Angeles has to a suburb. One would think that's where the sane people lived.

    But, alas ...
