Saturday, September 06, 2008


Obama should have waited four years or eight.

But he didn't wait - even though he knew he wasn't ready:


Because his collective (Ayers, Axelrod, The Chicago Machine, Teddy Kennedy et al) decided this was the year - (because of the weakening economy, a faltering war in Iraq, low approval rating for the GOP and Bush, etc.): they all believed all they had to do was pick off Hillary and they could waltz into the White House.

So they pushed him in.

Too bad for them The Surge worked and the economy has been holding off a recession - albeit by the slimmest of margins. (If we can get oil down some more I think there will be no recession. PREDICTION $99/barrel within ten days!)

But more importantly, the Obama Collective failed to see ONCE AGAIN that most Americans don't want to return to the failed policies of the past.

We don't want Carter Redux. We don't believe that income redistribution will grow the economy. Or that appeasing those who wish us harm brings peace.

As a result, not only will Obama be defeated this year... HE IS THRU FOREVER. The man the left has groomed for decades is about to be delegated to the dustbins of history with Carter and Dukakis and Mondale And Kerry.

Good riddance.


  1. I agree that the media will rush to forget about Barry Soetoro just as quickly as they have rushed to annoint him.

  2. He won't be able to come back, he has no accomplishments to build on. This may have been his best shot, to run on his freshness and his mighty charisma. McCain may have pulled off the greatest overall comeback in presidential history with Sarah Palin being one of the final nails.

    The left will be vicious in picking apart Obama when this is over, it was his to lose and it looks like he's going down.

    Maverick - Barracuda

  3. “We Will Not Be Silenced”

    I have learned about a new documentary on Caucus Fraud that is just coming out. “We Will Not Be Silenced, ” by Gigi Gaston, came into being according to their website because:

    As Americans, we expect certain liberties and rights that were granted us by our forefathers, who wrote documents like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. “We the people” expect that these fundamental rights will always be protected.

    However, in the current Democratic Presidential Primary, this has not been the case. We believe that the The Democratic National Committee (DNC) made a grave error by depriving American voters of their choice of Hillary Clinton as Democratic nominee. Senator Clinton, by all accounts, except caucuses, won the Primary Election and, therefore, should be the 2008 Democratic Nominee.

    That didn’t happen, due largely to illegitimate and illegal acts. We have interviews of many accounts from caucus states recounting threats, intimidation, lies, stolen documents, falsified documents, busing in voters in exchange for paying for “dinners,” etc.

    There are at least 2000 complaints, in Texas alone, of irregularities directed towards the Obama Campaign, that have lead to a very fractured and broken Democratic Party.

    The preview, all 33 minutes of it, is compelling. In essence, it is a visual companion to the work of Dr. Lynette Long at Caucus Fraud and Peniel Cronin on Primaries and Caucuses. In short, it is disturbing not just how this happened, but THAT it happened in our country.

    I invite you to watch the preview to this documentary, about which the authors said this:

    This documentary is about the disenfranchising of American citizens by the Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign. We the People have made this film. Democrats have sent in their stories from all parts of America.

    We want to be heard and let the country know how our party has sanctioned the actions of what we feel are Obama campaign “Chicago Machine” dirty politics.

    We believe this infamous campaign of “change” from Chicago encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote, which is, of course, all documented in “We Will Not Be Silenced.”

    This documentary contains powerful, important information.

    My deepest thanks to all of those at “We Will Not Be Silenced” for your commitment to democracy, to the rights of Americans, all Americans, to vote. Thank you for your courage and integrity in getting this critical information out. And thank you for bringing the voices of these Americans out for us all to witness.



  5. Charles Rangel (House Ways & Means Chair) supported Hillary but encouraged Obama to run in 2008 to position himself for the future. When Obama played the race card on the Clintons in the South Carolina primary, Rangel said that was 'absolutely stupid!'

    You're right. He'll get tagged in this election and he's f___ed his future. My bet is he figured he won't be so adorably cute in 8 years. In his heart, he knew he would never grow into a man who could run on substance.

    But we'll see.
