Saturday, September 06, 2008


Patrick Henry once said:
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.
So how does the lamp of experience illuminate Senator Barack [middle name redacted] Obama's record as a reformer?

As extensively documented in David Freddoso's recent book, Senator Obama is not a reformer at all.

He "won" his first election to the Illinois Senate unopposed, after having paid consultants use petition challenges to knock every other candidate off the ballot -- including his original sponsor, the incumbent, Alice Palmer. None of the voters he had registered as a "community organizer" had a chance to vote for anybody except him. A pattern typical, by the way, not only of the corrupt Chicago machine, but of totalitarian dictators everywhere.

As State Senator, Obama was part of the corrupt political machine that uses Chicago and Illinois politics as a means of transferring the taxpayers' money into the pockets of politicians, their families, and their corrupt associates. For 17 years, Barack Obama was a close political associate of Antoin Rezko, who made a lucrative career out of defrauding the taxpayers with phony urban renewal projects. Obama intervened on Rezko's behalf, and was so close to him, that Rezko engineered a special deal so that Obama could buy his mansion in Hyde Park.

As United States Senator, Obama intervened on behalf of the machine candidate for president of the Cook County Board, Todd Stroger. He supported the Daley machine.

And he signed off on 750 million dollars in earmarks.

In all of his brief career in elected office, Obama has never worked for or enacted one single real reform. He has no record as a reformer at all.

On the other hand, when the lamp of experience illuminates the governmental career of Governor Sarah Palin, it reveals a long history of successful reforms.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Governor Palin's track record includes:

Overhauling a corrupt deal the previous Governor tried to give the energy companies;

She did not take one earmark Obama voted for - the "bridge to nowhere;"

Taking on her own party and defeating that corrupt Governor in the primary;

Passing a new ethics law;

She beat Alaska's establishment, and that's why the entrenched Washington power grabbers are afraid of her.

Do you want real change? Do you thing Washington needs reform?

Then it is obvious you should vote for Senator McCain and Governor Palin.

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