Friday, September 19, 2008

Obama and Dems Abysmal Record on Economics: Is McCain finally Noticing??

Glenn Reynolds has a round-up of the McCain ads that are going straight for Obama's weak spots on the Economy. Good to see; but McCain needs to cut the crap with attacking Christopher Cox, who does not run these companies, does not sit in on their board meetings, and is not responsible for Fannie and Freddie and Countrywide doling out tens of millions to Democrat candidates and the special interest groups that support them. First to the Instapundit and these three great vids:


Meanwhile, Time attacks McCain's Fannie Mae ad as racist -- because it doesn't go far enough:

This is hardly subtle: Sinister images of two black men, followed by one of a vulnerable-looking elderly white woman.

Let me stipulate: Obama's Fannie Mae connections are completely fair game. But this ad doesn't even mention a far more significant tie--that of Jim Johnson, the former Fannie Mae chairman who had to resign as head of Obama's vice presidential search team after it was revealed he got a sweetheart deal on a mortgage from Countrywide Financial. Instead, it relies on a fleeting and tenuous reference in a Washington Post Style section story to suggest that Obama's principal economic adviser is former Fannie Mae Chairman Frank Raines. Why? One reason might be that Johnson is white; Raines is black.

Or maybe there are just too many dubious Obama associations to fit into a single commercial? Anyway, here's the ad -- make up your own mind. And maybe the McCain people can oblige the folks at Time by rolling out a Jim Johnson ad next? It's a target-rich environment . . . .

Meanwhile, if Obama is President, will Time regard every criticism of his administration as racist?

UPDATE: Bob Krumm emails: "How do you know that the Obama-Raines ad hits its target? Because Time magazine has declared that it is racist."

ANOTHER UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive! Here's the Jim Johnson ad:

So does that undercut the racism charges? Will Time apologize? Are these rhetorical questions?

ANOTHER UPDATE: Two, two, two papers in one!

At least his ADS seem to get it. So why can't he tell the truth on the stump as well?? Earth to John McCain: it is the Democrats (including Obama!) who are largely responsible for the fix we are in:
  1. They almost lost us the War (and still would if they could)...
  2. They killed TWO Bush and McCain supported bills that would have stopped the pandering by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: this allowed the lobbying, payouts, and pandering to continue, which resulted in LESS oversight--and as a result of not doing what they were supposed to do (protect the taxpayers, not the special interests filling the Democrat Congress' campaign coffers...) the taxpayers being socked with the bill for their corruption.
  3. Cox did his job well and admirably. To use him as a token fall-guy to support McCain's aura of "bipartisanship" is stupid.

Good grief...


  1. Blame professulas whose posh pensions graze on stumbent loan interest from
    vacuous degrees in basket weaving commie nutty organizing. Turn grant
    grubbing aghadhimmic blather into fuel, especially perverts like mayor crotch
    who gas for obsama zbin biden. Your islamosympathic gutterswabbing clothing
    and pierced privates spreads diesease. If you weren't such baby killing,
    vermin snuggling perverts you wouldn't be driving up our health costs, then
    collecting disability for your commie nutty organizing dementia. Your
    passive aggressive labor unions grab our guns, cars (congestion pricing),
    balls (SONDA), wallets, and homes but we will grab your throats and dang you
    from trailer bone tolls. Repeal the seventeenth amendment before any VAT. All
    the homeless are drugged out hippies. Second Amendment is the ONLY Homeland
    Security. Wait until we waste all your stumbent subprimes, so you need to
    sell your affectation glutton art and work instead of diverting tution and
    Y2K scams to soviet freezeniks! When oil plummets, lych aghadhimmic peakies
    abbetting soviet wealth funds.

  2. Incredible... a conservative blogger attempting an analysis of the players responsible for the current economic crisis... and not a single mention of Phil Gramm. What a surprise. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act did the heavy lifting in eliminating regulations that could have prevented this debacle. So why is he John Mccain's go-to economic guy? Simple... because John McCain voted for that bill.

    “You are interviewing the greatest free trader you will ever interview, and the greatest deregulator you will ever interview”

    -John McCain, As Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, March 29,2007.

    PS: Jack- are you trying to be satirical or do you suffer from Schizophasia?

  3. You guys are sinking fast. Even Chuck Hagel is criticizing the ticket.
